The following is not original with me, but I just had to help spread this encouraging thought around the world!
My willingness to carry life is the revenge, the antidote, the great rebuttal of every murder, every abortion, and every genocide.
Using a new title - Previously "It Came To Pass" - Because it came to pass that we needed a new title!
Family 2020

Family Christmas 2020. Love these people so much!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Allison Times 2010 !
January, 2010
Editors: Herb and Kim Allison
Staff: Caleb (21), Bethany (19), Timothy (17), Joseph (14), Hannah (13), Jubilee (4)
Why did the Chicken Cross the Highway?
A chicken was sighted running crazy in the parking lot of Rapid Repair (the appliance repair shop where Caleb and Timothy are employed). It seems that, unbeknownst to Caleb, one of our hens had hatched a ride with him to town. How it stayed in the back of the truck going 65 mph down the highway is a mystery. When Caleb went in to work, the chicken hopped out (The truck driver next door was an eye-witness). Timothy drove up some time later and was amazed so see that this wild chicken zipping between the vehicles looked remarkably similar to the poultry he had left at home. The testimony of the truck driver convinced him that it was, indeed, his bird. They cornered it behind the shop and corralled it into a washing machine for safe-keeping. It stayed in the shop all day, eventually being relocated to a washing machine box. Timothy fed it some sunflower seeds, and it laid an egg. After being cooped up together all day, Timothy and the hen (now affectionately called Buddy) are best friends.
The chickens, by the way, are a result of Timothy and Joseph’s latest money making adventure. However, after figuring the cost of feed, equipment and labor, the eggs will have to sell for $1.00 each to break even in 45 years.
Getting the Cart Before the Horse
Joseph saved up his money to buy Timothy’s motorcycle and then began to study for the motorcycle test. He passed the automobile driver’s permit test, but after 2 unsuccessful attempts, is still studying for the motorcycle test. This is really a good thing. He can only ride from here to Nan’s house without a license. If you see him out and about on the roads, call the highway patrol. Turn him in.
Spotlight on Deer!
Joseph and Timothy were drawn for special hunts this past year. Joseph won a youth deer hunt at Sequoyah Park. Herb packed the food for this 3 day hunt all by himself. Joseph reports that he never dreamed he would get sick of eating sugar cookies out of a tin can, but when that’s all you have to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, by the 3rd day…you lose your appetite. Joseph was also drawn for a turkey hunt next year at Cookson Hills.
Timothy won a guided antelope hunt in New Mexico via an essay contest. Since his mom edited the grammar and structure of his winning essay, it is only fair that she accompany him on this trip. The hunt will be next August, so mom will have plenty of time to pack. (This kind of talk makes Timothy very nervous.)
Prizes were awarded as follows:
Most Deer in a Single Year: Joseph – 4!
First Deer with a Bow: Joseph - a doe on the first day of bow season!
Most Big Bucks Missed: Joseph! too many!
Biggest Rack Award: Timothy. His 10 point gross scored 148, breaking every Allison record to date.
Most Frustrated Hunter: Herb – only a spike and a doe!
Total Deer for the season: 9
Roofin’ It
Herb and the guys put a new roof on the house during the hottest part of the summer. But they really couldn’t help it. All the nice days in the spring and fall are taken up with hunting something. (Speaking of hunting, Herb, Timothy, and Joseph killed one turkey each last spring.)
Say Cheese!
The high-dollar camera and the high-dollar photography course were supposed to pay for themselves in one year’s time when Timothy started taking all the kids’ portraits. He did take Bethany’s senior pictures which turned out really nice, but he says in order to take better pictures, he will need a flash and a backdrop and a reflector. However, he says, to take even better pictures, he will need about 10 more items. We finally agreed to just start taking pictures and pray that they turn out good.
Keefeton "Idols"
Bethany entered a songwriting contest and was chosen to perform her song as one of the top 10 finalists at the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame. Although she did not win first place, her rendition of "Jericho" really ... brought down the house. The experience was ... over the top.
Following in her big sister's footsteps, Jubilee has taken to the stage (brick hearth), and loves to entertain. Whenever company arrives, she quickly dons one of her dress-up costumes, finds a make-shift microphone, and delivers a free concert. Her selections include old favorites such as “I’ll Fly Away” and “Victory in Jesus”, as well as new compositions she makes up on the spot. One evening, she serenaded her family with the following ballad, sung in an intense, slow, country style (I quickly dictated):
“A truck ran over my sister,
And I was so sad.
Nobody got my heart.
Then she came back to life,
And came down the road.
Me and My sister came back to the house.
It happened so quickly…”
Graduating with Honors
Bethany graduated from homeschool last May, and Timothy (our youngest graduate at 16) graduated in December. They both finished #1 in their class, as did Caleb 2 years ago. Yes, they were the only ones in their class, but still a tremendous honor!
Bethany is, as of now, a straight-A student majoring in Criminal Justice at Connors State College while working part time at the Muskogee Library. She received 2 scholarships which cover all her school expenses. Praise God!
Timothy is planning on working a lot while deciding on a vocation. He has narrowed it down to either: taxidermist, appliance or auto repairman, businessman, pro volleyball or football player, photographer, or hunting video producer (anything but roofing). It’s hard to decide when you’re good at everything, right?
Caleb stays very busy taking classes at Connors and working for Uncle Curt. So busy, in fact, that he waited until the last minute to do his required 15 hours of community service for his Cherokee Nation Scholarship. Nevertheless, he says he actually enjoyed working Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve at the Gospel Rescue Mission.
Sports Heroes
Timothy, Joseph, and Hannah ran in the home school track meet again last year, with Timothy receiving the best all around male athlete medal.
Hannah graced the soccer field for both the fall and spring seasons and went all year undefeated!
Timothy and Joseph were unceremoniously kicked off Warner’s football team when the new principal discovered that OSSAA does not view homeschoolers as private school students. Although disappointed, they began immediately to hone their volleyball skills by canvassing the state for the most competitive church volleyball teams, with no regard to denomination.
The Longest Summer
Take Me Away!
Everyone seemed to be going in a different direction last year for their personal vacations. Hannah Grace spent a rip-roaring week at Camp Good News in Mannford, where she managed to stay awake 5 nights in a row.
Caleb and Timothy drove to a 10-day conference in the North Woods of Chicago. After they left, I found all of Timothy’s clothes laid out neatly on his bed. Thankfully, they hadn’t gone far. But the next day, I discovered his tennis shoes packed up in a plastic bag. Too late to turn around, they had to stop on the way and buy a pair.
Herb, Joseph, and Hannah Grace traveled to Alabama for a construction project with the church mission trip the same week that Caleb and Timothy (and Bethany) were gone. This left "Kimberella" at home to sweep the hearth.
Six Allisons attended the annual ATI conference in Big Sandy, TX last spring. As usual, we made lots of new friends, and enjoyed sharing a very large cookout with the Duggars!
Herb and Kim ran off together for a weekend in Tulsa at the “Love and Laughter Marriage Get Away” with Gary Smalley. We laughed ourselves silly, and the kids totally cleaned house before we came home– no trace of the big party they had while we were away!
Joseph and Hannah played in two of Miss Honey’s piano recitals last year. Timothy, who never practices, sat this one out, but promised to keep up his piano skills without taking lessons. We’ll see.
* * * *
Jubilee was the only one who wanted to visit the zoo with Mom, so off they went. It took Jubilee half a day to warm up to the animals. After 2 rides on the Merry-Go-Round, and 2 trips on the train, Mom was ready to go home.
January, 2010
Editors: Herb and Kim Allison
Staff: Caleb (21), Bethany (19), Timothy (17), Joseph (14), Hannah (13), Jubilee (4)
Why did the Chicken Cross the Highway?
A chicken was sighted running crazy in the parking lot of Rapid Repair (the appliance repair shop where Caleb and Timothy are employed). It seems that, unbeknownst to Caleb, one of our hens had hatched a ride with him to town. How it stayed in the back of the truck going 65 mph down the highway is a mystery. When Caleb went in to work, the chicken hopped out (The truck driver next door was an eye-witness). Timothy drove up some time later and was amazed so see that this wild chicken zipping between the vehicles looked remarkably similar to the poultry he had left at home. The testimony of the truck driver convinced him that it was, indeed, his bird. They cornered it behind the shop and corralled it into a washing machine for safe-keeping. It stayed in the shop all day, eventually being relocated to a washing machine box. Timothy fed it some sunflower seeds, and it laid an egg. After being cooped up together all day, Timothy and the hen (now affectionately called Buddy) are best friends.
The chickens, by the way, are a result of Timothy and Joseph’s latest money making adventure. However, after figuring the cost of feed, equipment and labor, the eggs will have to sell for $1.00 each to break even in 45 years.
Getting the Cart Before the Horse
Joseph saved up his money to buy Timothy’s motorcycle and then began to study for the motorcycle test. He passed the automobile driver’s permit test, but after 2 unsuccessful attempts, is still studying for the motorcycle test. This is really a good thing. He can only ride from here to Nan’s house without a license. If you see him out and about on the roads, call the highway patrol. Turn him in.
Spotlight on Deer!
Joseph and Timothy were drawn for special hunts this past year. Joseph won a youth deer hunt at Sequoyah Park. Herb packed the food for this 3 day hunt all by himself. Joseph reports that he never dreamed he would get sick of eating sugar cookies out of a tin can, but when that’s all you have to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, by the 3rd day…you lose your appetite. Joseph was also drawn for a turkey hunt next year at Cookson Hills.
Timothy won a guided antelope hunt in New Mexico via an essay contest. Since his mom edited the grammar and structure of his winning essay, it is only fair that she accompany him on this trip. The hunt will be next August, so mom will have plenty of time to pack. (This kind of talk makes Timothy very nervous.)
Prizes were awarded as follows:
Most Deer in a Single Year: Joseph – 4!
First Deer with a Bow: Joseph - a doe on the first day of bow season!
Most Big Bucks Missed: Joseph! too many!
Biggest Rack Award: Timothy. His 10 point gross scored 148, breaking every Allison record to date.
Most Frustrated Hunter: Herb – only a spike and a doe!
Total Deer for the season: 9
Roofin’ It
Herb and the guys put a new roof on the house during the hottest part of the summer. But they really couldn’t help it. All the nice days in the spring and fall are taken up with hunting something. (Speaking of hunting, Herb, Timothy, and Joseph killed one turkey each last spring.)
Say Cheese!
The high-dollar camera and the high-dollar photography course were supposed to pay for themselves in one year’s time when Timothy started taking all the kids’ portraits. He did take Bethany’s senior pictures which turned out really nice, but he says in order to take better pictures, he will need a flash and a backdrop and a reflector. However, he says, to take even better pictures, he will need about 10 more items. We finally agreed to just start taking pictures and pray that they turn out good.
Keefeton "Idols"
Bethany entered a songwriting contest and was chosen to perform her song as one of the top 10 finalists at the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame. Although she did not win first place, her rendition of "Jericho" really ... brought down the house. The experience was ... over the top.
Following in her big sister's footsteps, Jubilee has taken to the stage (brick hearth), and loves to entertain. Whenever company arrives, she quickly dons one of her dress-up costumes, finds a make-shift microphone, and delivers a free concert. Her selections include old favorites such as “I’ll Fly Away” and “Victory in Jesus”, as well as new compositions she makes up on the spot. One evening, she serenaded her family with the following ballad, sung in an intense, slow, country style (I quickly dictated):
“A truck ran over my sister,
And I was so sad.
Nobody got my heart.
Then she came back to life,
And came down the road.
Me and My sister came back to the house.
It happened so quickly…”
Graduating with Honors
Bethany graduated from homeschool last May, and Timothy (our youngest graduate at 16) graduated in December. They both finished #1 in their class, as did Caleb 2 years ago. Yes, they were the only ones in their class, but still a tremendous honor!
Bethany is, as of now, a straight-A student majoring in Criminal Justice at Connors State College while working part time at the Muskogee Library. She received 2 scholarships which cover all her school expenses. Praise God!
Timothy is planning on working a lot while deciding on a vocation. He has narrowed it down to either: taxidermist, appliance or auto repairman, businessman, pro volleyball or football player, photographer, or hunting video producer (anything but roofing). It’s hard to decide when you’re good at everything, right?
Caleb stays very busy taking classes at Connors and working for Uncle Curt. So busy, in fact, that he waited until the last minute to do his required 15 hours of community service for his Cherokee Nation Scholarship. Nevertheless, he says he actually enjoyed working Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve at the Gospel Rescue Mission.
Sports Heroes
Timothy, Joseph, and Hannah ran in the home school track meet again last year, with Timothy receiving the best all around male athlete medal.
Hannah graced the soccer field for both the fall and spring seasons and went all year undefeated!
Timothy and Joseph were unceremoniously kicked off Warner’s football team when the new principal discovered that OSSAA does not view homeschoolers as private school students. Although disappointed, they began immediately to hone their volleyball skills by canvassing the state for the most competitive church volleyball teams, with no regard to denomination.
The Longest Summer
Bethany spent the whole summer working at Falls Creek Church Camp, serving in the staff kitchen. She shared a cabin with 8 other young staffers who very graciously shared their hair products, extension cords, and life histories with each other. That is, until they began to wear on each other’s nerves. We did say all summer. Falls Creek had a falling out in the staffers cabin, the likes of which they had never seen before. On the up side, Bethany came home looking slimmer than she had in a long time. Apparently, there was little time to eat between feeding 250 people 3 meals a day plus cleaning up and doing dishes. Furthermore, she insists that the 1.5 mile walk from her cabin to the cafeteria was uphill both ways!
Take Me Away!
Everyone seemed to be going in a different direction last year for their personal vacations. Hannah Grace spent a rip-roaring week at Camp Good News in Mannford, where she managed to stay awake 5 nights in a row.
Caleb and Timothy drove to a 10-day conference in the North Woods of Chicago. After they left, I found all of Timothy’s clothes laid out neatly on his bed. Thankfully, they hadn’t gone far. But the next day, I discovered his tennis shoes packed up in a plastic bag. Too late to turn around, they had to stop on the way and buy a pair.
Herb, Joseph, and Hannah Grace traveled to Alabama for a construction project with the church mission trip the same week that Caleb and Timothy (and Bethany) were gone. This left "Kimberella" at home to sweep the hearth.
Six Allisons attended the annual ATI conference in Big Sandy, TX last spring. As usual, we made lots of new friends, and enjoyed sharing a very large cookout with the Duggars!
Herb and Kim ran off together for a weekend in Tulsa at the “Love and Laughter Marriage Get Away” with Gary Smalley. We laughed ourselves silly, and the kids totally cleaned house before we came home– no trace of the big party they had while we were away!
Joseph and Hannah played in two of Miss Honey’s piano recitals last year. Timothy, who never practices, sat this one out, but promised to keep up his piano skills without taking lessons. We’ll see.
* * * *
Jubilee was the only one who wanted to visit the zoo with Mom, so off they went. It took Jubilee half a day to warm up to the animals. After 2 rides on the Merry-Go-Round, and 2 trips on the train, Mom was ready to go home.
* * * *
Timothy and Hannah competed in the first ever National Bible Bee last September, with the local level being held in Tulsa. Neither of them advanced to the finals in DC, but Timothy came in second in his age division and took home a nice consolation prize.
* * * *
Herb and Caleb attended the state Republican convention in OKC with Uncle Curt, and now they are being hounded by every aspiring politician in the state for money. It feels good to be wanted.
* * * *
Timothy’s 48 Plymouth refurb is coming along, dollar by dollar. He is currently fiber glassing both bumpers, and continues to order and apply parts to the beast. Someday, somehow, he claims it will run.
* * * *
The whole family (minus one) went caroling in the mall again in ‘09. This is the highlight of Kim’s Christmas season. All of the old carols tell of the birth of the Savior, and most include His death on the cross and resurrection, as well as eternity in Heaven! That’s what Christmas is all about!
* * * *
Herb and Caleb attended the state Republican convention in OKC with Uncle Curt, and now they are being hounded by every aspiring politician in the state for money. It feels good to be wanted.
* * * *
Timothy’s 48 Plymouth refurb is coming along, dollar by dollar. He is currently fiber glassing both bumpers, and continues to order and apply parts to the beast. Someday, somehow, he claims it will run.
* * * *
The whole family (minus one) went caroling in the mall again in ‘09. This is the highlight of Kim’s Christmas season. All of the old carols tell of the birth of the Savior, and most include His death on the cross and resurrection, as well as eternity in Heaven! That’s what Christmas is all about!
Remember Folks, It Didn't Come to Stay, It Came to Pass!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Watch and Wait
In the early years of my marriage, my husband did some traveling with his job. I remember waiting for him at the airport terminal (before the days of 911, when you could watch the planes taxi up to the concourse) on one particularly memorable occasion.
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