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Family 2020
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Saturday, January 31, 2015

The newsletter you've been waiting for!


  January 2015
Editors: Herb and Kim Allison

Reporters: Caleb -26, Bethany -24, Timothy -22,   Joseph – 19, Hannah Grace – 18, Jubilee – 9

The Buck Stops Here

   Herb won the hunting prize in 2014 with a 10 point buck he shot just over the back fence. The best part of it, according to Herb, was having Kim help him drag it home. This unique event was only made possible because no boys were around (some people have to work).  A few other family members killed a 6 point and a 4 point, but they pale in comparison to Herb’s deer. Not really worth mentioning. Sorry, boys.   

Going to the Dogs

   The Allisons don’t have very good luck with dogs. They come and go – some more tragically than others. This year, we started out with a lab/crocodile/kangaroo mix that drove us crazy. We found a good home for her after 6 months of being blind-sided and chewed to ribbons. Undaunted, Kim brought in a Great Pyrenees fur ball who is adorable, except for the puddles  she leaves all over the house. She will move outside as soon as she’s coyote-proof, and will hopefully clear the yard of varmints. But for now, she won’t get off the porch!

Clear for Take-Off!
   Nerves of Steel. That’s what it takes to be a flight instructor. Especially if your student is named Timothy Allison. Timothy used up two instructors last year working toward his license. His airborne jaunts were limited to weekends due to the instructors’ need to recuperate between sessions, but the end is finally in sight.  All he needs is a weekend of clear weather and a brave FAA examiner, then... no more TSA pat-downs!
All A-board!

   Hannah Grace arranged her own ski trip, recruiting friends to share expenses and Timothy to teach her the fine art of snow-boarding. His maxim: “If you go fast enough, you’ll eventually stay up.” Hannah Grace made her teacher proud and put it in high gear. If only we could print the videos! 

Law and Order

   We used to say, “At least, none of our kids are in jail,” but Bethany changed all that. She spent most of 2014 behind bars. But only by choice. She was recently promoted to Deputy, and at the end of 2014 was moved to booking, which is much less stressful for her mother. Bethany considers her job at the Tulsa County Jail a ministry, and was able to share Jesus with many of the inmates and coworkers, whether they liked it or not.

Those Daring Young Men!

   When Joseph entered the big world of real jobs, he was forced to start brush-hogging his wild oats (although word has it he still has plenty planted on the back 40). Rising before dawn really curtails the late-night adventures, so most of his escapades in 2014 were financial. He bought and sold a 4-wheeler and a car, and bought and kept a truck and a motorcycle. He has learned that most vehicle owners are not willing to buy back the vehicle after he has driven it for a year, like good ol’ Dad or Uncle Curt would do.
   On the up side, for staying so long on the job, Joseph has promoted himself to the lofty position of “Tower Commander” and rules the roost from 300’ above ground. This came in very handy when Brother Timothy joined the climbing crew for a few months, just for fun. 

Daddy Sang Bass…

   The “Family Carolers” ventured into new territory this year when we huddled in front of the Creek Casino to serenade the “gamers.” The staff was very cordial, bringing us hot cider and hanging around to listen (or were they keeping an eye on us?). Like it or not, they all heard “Fall on your knees” and “Christ the Savior is Born” several times through! We also enjoyed caroling at the VA Hospital again and Country Gardens assisted living center.  The Allisons and Prices have a few members who can carry the melody, a few who can find the harmony, and a few who are just good and loud! It’s our favorite part of Christmas, so If you need any caroling done, …me and little brother will join right in there…J

The Road Less Traveled

   Timothy and friend Martin Bayer biked cross-country the short way (top to bottom) to raise awareness and funding for “She is Safe” and “Global Equip Ministries”. Along the way, they ate and bunked with total strangers – who may have been angels in disguise.  In their own words: “1300 miles. 18 days. 12 flat tires. 4 broken spokes. 2 wrecks. 1 epic adventure. We made it to the Gulf!” If you missed it, it’s not too late to donate to or Lots of pictures on their facebook page:Tim & Martys wheely far and epic bike ride.”

Oldie but a Goodie

   Caleb keeps “Pa” (Kim’s Dad) entertained every Thursday evening with Old Movie Night at the Roxy Theater. The Roxy is a landmark in Muskogee which has been refurbished for nostalgia buffs just like Pa. 
Reinventing the Route

   All-wise Hannah Grace just had to drive to Austin to visit her friend before school started. Map- quest said 7.5 hours, but Han made it in 12. Seems she took the business route through every town along the way. Every town. We tried to explain how that wasn’t necessary, but somehow… somehow… she got lost in Austin airport on the way home, with no discernable reason for being there. Thank God the airport was closed (they do that in Austin) or she might have ended up on the run-way. Hannah’s guardian angels need tranquilizers.
Run for Your Life

   Jubilee begged Kim to register for the 5K run. Kim begged Jubilee to stay home. Jubilee won the argument with the stipulation that she not run off and leave her mother behind. They didn’t come in dead last - they beat a guy on crutches who was recuperating from surgery. Determined to get in shape, Kim registered Jubilee and herself for 3 more 5K races, and this time Jubilee begged to stay home. Dragging Jubilee off the couch is like dragging a water buffalo out of the mud.

North to Alaska!

   Timothy spent 3 weeks in Alaska building and restoring homes with Samaritan’s Purse. In addition to the carpentry, he enjoyed the Northern Lights, bear cubs, and chewing the fat with the locals while skinning a moose. He met the Director of FEMA and still had enough time to road-trip Alaska in a rented Jeep. Good times.

The Jog is Up

   Even freezing rain couldn’t stop Timothy from claiming his first marathon medal in Little Rock last spring. But one marathon is never enough! Hannah Grace talked him into running with her in the Tulsa Route 66 Marathon. The Hollywood high-jump she planned for the finish line went awry and cleared out a row of spectators; but thankfully, no one was hurt.

Too Far Gone

   Jubilee, buoyed by her successful mission trip to Texas in 2013, jumped on the bus bound for Illinois last summer with her dad. She didn’t realize that homesickness is directly proportional to the miles traveled away from home, and inversely proportional to the likelihood of mom coming to get you. Mom got many calls and texts every day from a sad girl saying, “I love you!” “I miss you!” “I wanta come home!” These messages are being archived to be retrieved when she turns 13.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!

   Herb’s niece, Samantha, and her children spent Thanksgiving week with us and really stirred things up! Herb took Ty on a hunting trip with Ty’s BB gun while Sam, Amari, and Geo helped out in the kitchen. They came expecting a farm, but since we currently have nary a goat nor chicken, Kim drove the kids around to the neighborhood farms for a progressive field trip of pigs, horses, turkeys, and sheep. Ty hung out with the guys and had a personal duck-cleaning class from Timothy and Joseph.

More Than You Can Chew

   Bethany’s job allows her a free pass to the Tulsa Fair, and she always invites Jubilee to join her. With no interest in riding any rides, Bethany treats to caramel-dipped fried pickles, corn-dog a-la-mode, and chocolate-covered turkey legs . . . everything she missed in childhood. The girls leave with greasy smiles and good memories, dreaming of next year’s fair. J


   If you’ve ever wanted to travel to far-off places, just ride along with Herb in his State Farm van. He was reassigned to cover territories beyond his imagination and it takes him half a day just to get there and back! He’s praying it won’t last long and counting the years till he can retire (12 long ones!).
   Herb, Kim and Jubilee took their turn to entertain Pa at the annual Symphony in the Park last summer at Honor Heights. To everyone’s shock, he thoroughly enjoyed it – stood and saluted at every patriotic song and introduced himself to all the performers. If they had only had an extra instrument, he would have joined the symphony!
Joseph enjoyed a few days off work to have his wisdom teeth extracted. Laughing gas lived up to its name, and Joseph chuckled through the whole affair. But the tank had to stay at the office! When the laughter wore off, it was every man for himself, with a few brave souls willing to throw pain pills and shakes in Joseph’s direction.
   How many years has it been since Kim and Uncle Roy began collaborating on Sharecropper's Dream ? 3? 4? They are both so picky that the wording had to be revised almost daily. But we are happy to announce “Sharecroppers Dream” is now available through Westbow Press. Whew!
   Uncle Curt’s field trip this year involved horses again, so Kim stayed home. The cousins and Jubilee, however, relished an Arabian Horse Show in Tulsa which turned into an all-day affair. Since no one in Curt’s party had to actually ride any horses, Kim could have gone, but the risk was too high. And caution is the better part of valor. Or something.
    Bethany was down with bronchitis last summer and mono this winter. The pickled chocolate onion rings at the fair finally caught up with her. But Mom caught up with her, too, bringing tonics, teas, and cod liver oil! Every moan brought suggestions for repentance and remedies, so Bethany was up and running in no time at all!
   Timothy spent a week in Mexico (where they speak no Chinese) helping present a VBS. He got so involved in a skit that he dislocated his toe. Don’t ask.
   Hannah Grace took 2 concurrent classes at Connors State College last fall and studied non-stop to add 2 A’s to her transcript.  Bringing cookies to the teacher couldn't have done any harm, either. Smart girl! 
         Just before the newsletter went to press, our puppy was accidentally backed over in our yard. We were all saddened to have to bury our sweet little pet, Princess. It was a painful reminder of the brevity of life and the uncertainty of tomorrow. Many deep discussions followed, concerning life purpose and eternal destinations (Do dogs go to Heaven?). We came away with a renewed desire to say all the “I love you’s” and “I’m sorry’s” while we can because none of us are guaranteed another breath. In the words of an old country song:
       Gonna hold who needs holdin’, mend what needs mendin’, walk what needs walkin’, though it means an extra mile.
       Pray what needs prayin’, say what needs sayin’, ‘cause we’re only here for a little while.