The new baby is here! The book that took 20 years to write is finally finished! At this rate, I won't live long enough to write another one, so I really need to figure out how to market this one! It would help if I had a kid with a marketing degree - wait! I DO have a kid with a marketing degree! I might post the link of where to purchase the book if I just had a kid who knew about computers... maybe A-1 certified... Wait! I DO have a kid who is A-1 certified! Man! Maybe I could bait him to the house with some hot Chai tea! That's it...Oh, no, that won't work...he already drank it all...
So, since I am computer inept, just go to Amazon and look it up!
This might be the link - click here and try it!
Using a new title - Previously "It Came To Pass" - Because it came to pass that we needed a new title!
Family 2020

Family Christmas 2020. Love these people so much!
Friday, March 17, 2017
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Allison Times Year-End Newsletter
Allison Times
January, 2017
Editors: Herb and Kim Allison
Reporters: Caleb (28), Bethany (26), Timothy (24), Joseph (21), Hannah Grace (20), Jubilee (11)
School Bells
Wonder Woman
Just Sharing
Timothy didn’t realize that by leaving his
keys in his truck overnight, he was agreeing to the terms and conditions of the
community Share-
A-Ride program. Participants
may drive such vehicles until they are out of state, or out of gas, whichever
comes first. Since Timothy never has much gas in his truck, it was easy to find
- a few blocks away. The truck was unharmed, and
other than the $200.00 towing
bill, no harm done. However, by storing all his tools and appliance parts in
said truck, he also unintentionally enrolled in the Share-A-Tool program. The
major problem here was that many of the tools were Herb’s, and Herb doesn’t
share well with others.
Tumbling Towers
When Joseph fell 35 feet from a cell tower
last August, he was pleased and surprised to open his eyes to planet earth. A
compression fracture to a lumbar vertebra kept him home with Shaelee and
Brantley through the end of 2016 – doctor’s orders.
To supplement his slashed income, Joseph is
accepting bids to name the new baby (due in June!). Bidding starts at 5 grand,
and every name will be considered. Joseph will be in charge of bid collecting,
and any questions should be directed to him. We repeat: Do not bother Shaelee
with these details. Joseph does not want to stress the little mama with any
major decisions at this time.
Deer to my Hart
Up, up, and away!
If you signed up for the baby naming auction,
you can go ahead and sign up for prepaid airplane rides. Timothy needed access
to a faster airplane (airplanes should be fast, right?). He is now the proud
owner of a Mooney M20, but spends so much time working to pay for the
maintenance and the fuel, he gets very little time in the air. But he smiles on Facebook, smug in the
knowledge that, in theory, he could be anywhere within 500 nautical miles in 3
hours or less; assuming he had the money,
and the weather was perfect, and the plane wasn’t being inspected or repaired … you get the picture. He has also confirmed that
he still plans to be a commercial pilot; however, the target date on that has
been moved back to 2050, due to budget cuts.
Change of Plans
Kim’s Dad (“Pa”) suffered a stroke last
November, which, coupled with his previous diagnosis of dementia, has altered
the life of everyone in the immediate and extended family. His 24/7 supervision
and intense care-taking has drawn in every able-bodied relative for miles, and
thankfully, there are many who are willing to pitch in!
Cousin Cary helps with physical therapy.
Kristen and her girls supply meals. Other relatives take shifts throughout the
day. The night shift (headed by Curt and Caleb, with occasional help from the other
kids and in-laws) deserves special recognition, because nights are anything but
restful! Pa rarely sleeps and tends to run his watchmen ragged!
No doubt, his
body is declining; but his spirit stays strong. Pa doesn’t always recognize us,
but he still knows all the words of the old hymns, and still prays of his own
initiative. “We do not lose heart. Even
though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day” (2Cor 4:16). “My flesh and
my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my
heart and my portion forever” (Ps 73:26).
Lace Up!
Timothy, Hannah Grace, and Red ran a half
marathon in March, and the Hanster
beat the other two like step-children. Red-headed ones. Story submitted by
Hannah Grace.
Shaelee and Brantley joined Herb, Kim and
Jubilee for our annual homeschool conference in Big Sandy, Texas. When Shaelee
saw all the big homeschool families walking around campus like so many
ducklings in a row, she was sold. “Twelve Kids or Bust!” Joseph? Not so much.
He thinks “2” is a nice, round, even number that’s easy to leave with a
babysitter. Only time
will tell.
Run Like a Girl!
Hannah Grace and Mom tackled two 5K runs
last year while Jubilee slept. Both of our Lady Runners finished 1st
in their age brackets in the Hero Run through Honor Heights. Fortunately, Mom
has finally aged into the run bracket with bathroom breaks figured in. After
one such mid-race delay, mom rejoined the race and finished neck and neck with
her peers. At least that’s how she remembers it.
That Grandbaby!
Have Cats, Will Travel
Bethany is still working nights and keeping
her boys, Jethro and LeRoy, (the cats) company, but she is missing her human
family terribly. Since she passed her
CLEET and Field Training, her career options look good if she decides to move
back from T- Town. However, her housing options are a little more limited. She
and the cats are a package deal, and she refuses to let them set even a paw
outside, for fear they would revert back to the wild. In her mother’s opinion,
it wouldn’t be a big leap.
I Can’t Believe It Has Come to This…
A Really Good Bargain
Foot Notes
With a little one on the way, Joseph decided
to trade in his Big Dog Truck with the Big Dog Payment for a responsible family
car. Shaelee had no idea that a Camaro qualified as a family car! Joseph
claimed the salesman convinced him it would hold plenty of kids. J
Some strange excruciating pain in the Mom’s
foot had her in urgent care last fall and on crutches for a week. Tests ruled
out gout, so it was probably an infection of some sort. Maybe she just needed
to sit down for a while. J
Hannah Grace ran off to Chicago and Kansas
City during the holidays. Just for fun.
“These are the children God has given me….
God has
been good to me.”
Genesis 33:5
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