Subject Matter: Caleb 23, Bethany 21, Timothy 19, Joseph 16, Hannah Grace 15, Jubilee 6 (ages as of Jan. 2012)
Knee-Jerk Reaction
We scheduled Joseph’s knee surgery for late January 2011, not realizing, of course, that the following week would bring that record-breaking snowfall. Poor Joseph, propped up on the couch, doped up on pain pills, unable to go sledding with his friends. But wait! Was that Joseph being pulled behind the truck on homemade skis? Down the middle of the road? Too many pain pills make Joseph a crazy boy. While Mom hummed about in the kitchen making hot chocolate, Joseph made his escape to join in the fun. And he wonders why his knee still hurts one year later.
Snow Business
That same hill which provided all the sledding fun, also created an impossible uphill drive out from the Allison house. Bethany, however, thought she could make it. A few hours later, our neighbor stopped to inform us that Bethany's empty car was parked horizontally about half way up the hill (she had abandoned the car, walked to Nan’s house, and gone to bed). He shared that he and a friend had tried to pull it out and could not, due to the bumper structure. Someone, he asserted, would have to tie it to a tractor and yank it free, or else it would cause all kinds of mayhem to anyone else who tried to go up or down - blocking the way, as it was. Many a neighbor walked around it, sadly shaking their heads at the tires and bumpers, wondering how to move it. After a few days, the snow melted enough to allow the car to slide into a direction more parallel to the road. From there, the pit crew was able to back it down the hill and get a running start back up, and out to freedom. We haven’t seen Bethany since.
World Traveler
Timothy made another month-long trip to the other side of the planet in May, 2011. He taught children’s seminars in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia (with a little sight-seeing thrown in). He missed us terribly. This time we made sure that he “toxed out” before he came home. He stopped off in Wyoming for a week to do some rock climbing with friend Josh, who had just graduated from school.
Oh, Deer!
Hannah shot her first deer this year (with a muzzle-loader)! Why is it the newbies always shoot at dusk and need a search party of 4 to find the deer? Weight and rack mattered not to Hannah. What mattered was the picture with the deer on Facebook. Technically, her first deer was shot the week before (she claimed), but no trace could be found of the big one that got away. This “phantom-deer” had to be sought during an electrical storm, with the search party finally running for cover – fearing life and limb.
Tourist Attraction
Upon graduation from his paralegal course, History Buff Caleb was treated to a Reformation Tour: Germany, Switzerland, England, and the Netherlands. He was able to see all the places he had always dreamed of seeing – Tower of London, Edinburgh Castle – not to mention eat all the food he had always dreamed of eating! As with most of our family travelers, he plans to return as soon as time and money afford. In the words of an old sage: “How ya gonna keep ‘em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree?”
25 Years and Holding
State Farm is so proud that Herb has been with the company for 25 years (Feb ‘12). Herb says he can’t retire till the kids leave home. The kids say they won’t leave home till he retires. $$
Better Late than Never
Bethany was only slightly late to receive her certificate at the Presidential Honor Roll recognition ceremony. She was on time, however, for her graduation from Connors State College last May and was the only one to stand when they announced “4.0 GPA” (wild applause!). Bethany says there were other 4 points besides herself - but maybe they were just late.
Way Cool Mission Trip
Herb, Timothy, Joseph, and Hannah went with the church to help clean up the tornado aftermath in Joplin. They were sobered to see the devastation and honored to clear out 5 home-sites while they were there. If the homeowners did not clear their lot in 30 days, they would be fined $3000 for the city to bulldoze the debris. After 4 days of hard work, they visited Silver Dollar City for a day of fun.
Traffic Report
Bethany and Timothy both survived some pretty nasty collisions last year. Bethany totaled her car when she pulled out in front of someone behind the library where she works. They must have been flying, because her car was towed to the scrap heap. Thankfully, Bethany walked away without a scratch – well, no big ones anyway.
Timothy ruined his motorcycle when a deer pulled out in front of him on his way home from Gore. The deer must have been flying, because it sent Timothy and his motorcycle into a heap in the ditch. The bike is still out of commission (thankfully), and Timothy walked away without a scratch – well, no big ones anyway.
No More Football
Joseph bid adieu to his football team when he hurt his “good” knee during a game last fall. He decided that if his only hope to play football involved another surgery, he was out. His latest hobby is washing his newly acquired Triumph Daytona 955i motorcycle (“fast”). Any dirt on the bike would slow it down considerably.
Half a Century!
The whole family (plus a few more) pitched in to give Nan & Pa (Price) a 50th Anniversary Party last October. The big hit was the picture DVD made by cousin Suzy – not a dry eye in the house! If anyone was unable to attend and would like to see the DVD, let us know and we can get you a copy. Have Kleenex handy!
Hunting Report
Herb spent 2 weeks of vacation at James Collins wildlife reserve near Quinton, OK, where Timothy was also drawn for a special hunt. Herb’s abode was a box trailer and his food came from cans, with no facilities for miles. His suffering paid off (doesn’t it always?) when he bagged a 9 point and a doe – his first with a bow. He hauled them home, along with Timothy’s doe that he killed as he ran through camp on his way back from a volleyball tournament in OK City. Timothy also shot a 7 point before he was ready to come home. Joseph added to the bounty with a doe and a spike (be it known that Joseph thought the spike was a doe).
No Hunter Left Behind
On one very fateful day of hunting season, Joseph begged to cancel his after school physical therapy appointment so he could hunt. Herb gave Joseph no choice – “It’s your duty, son. You made the appointment. To therapy you must go.” Joseph was dismissed with a snappy salute and sent down the driveway. But as soon as Joseph cleared the mailbox, Herb scrambled up in Joseph’s deer stand and shot an 8 point. This still makes Joseph mad. He claims he would have shot it if only he had been here! When Timothy came home, he said he would have shot it if he had been here! Hannah Grace contended she would have shot it, if she hadn’t had to babysit! The truth is, when all 4 of them clamored up in the stand together, it would have crashed to the ground, sending all the local deer running to the Arkansas River.
Join the Club…
Hannah boarded a van full of girls for a 2 week trip to Michigan in November. Her “Journey to the Heart” summit was dusted with 7 inches of snow (snowball fight!), and the lake was frigid, but she just had to jump in. A last minute volleyball game sent her to the floor with …guess what…a dislocated knee! She is now wearing Joseph’s old knee brace (we have them in every size). Kids will do anything to get their name in the paper.
Treasures in Heaven
Herb and Timothy (with his flexible job at Rapid Repair) took off for a week and headed to North Dakota to do some flood relief “mudding out” with Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Team. It was a smelly job, but somebody had to do it. Just another reminder that all of one’s earthly possessions can be wiped away in a moment of time. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven…For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.
To Cap it off…
Timothy decided life wasn’t dangerous enough, so he took a flying leap from an airplane – just for fun. Skydiving has been checked off his list, and kite-surfing is next.
Hannah returned to CYIA last summer to teach children’s Bible clubs in the Tulsa area. Jubilee is always sad to see her siblings leave for any length of time, especially Hannah Grace. Jubilee says she likes to have everyone in the nest (just like mama).
Timothy had his wisdom teeth removed last year – we hope this doesn’t bring him up short on any wisdom later in life.
2011 brought 2 new cousins to the Allison children! Kim’s sister, Kristen, had her 5th child, a boy, in January, and Herb’s sister, Lea, had her 1st child, a girl, in November. Names: Charles Matthew and Hedy Lamarr, respectively.
Kim, Timothy, Hannah, and Jubilee traveled to Big Sandy, TX for our annual homeschool conference. Jubilee invited herself to many a campfire and made lots of new friends.
Kim attended her 30-year class reunion in 2011. She couldn’t imagine how everyone had changed except her!
How could we forget to mention the ducks, geese, and turkeys killed by the great Allison hunters? Numbers elude us, but once again, the freezer is full. Out of necessity, Joseph has become a mighty fine duck chef. You’re all invited!
Timothy and Hannah continued to teach a few Kids for Christ lessons at Creek Elementary School. It is amazing that they are able to work together without killing one another, while they teach about love.
Herb brought home a dozen new baby chicks, and as many baby wild turkeys, which Jubilee was thrilled to play with, until they began to jump from her hands! Yike! Of course, the chickens are for eggs, and the turkeys… you’ll have to ask Herb.
Hannah attended an Ultimate Quest conference in OK City last summer (very awesome!), while Mom and Jubilee took in the OK City zoo. The “zoo pair” nearly melted in the 100+ heat, when they got stranded at the back part of the zoo with the gazelles. African plains. Miles of wasteland. Not a shade tree in sight. But thanks to the tram, they were able to make it out alive. Jubilee will not want to go again for a long time.
Once again, the family made Mom proud when they all showed up for caroling at the Stigler Wal-Mart. Stigler? It seems the phone book didn’t specify a town with the Wal-Mart listing, and Mom thought she was making arrangements with the Checotah Wal-Mart. Good thing they called to confirm. Oh well, it wasn’t that much farther.
*Herb says Kim should be thankful that he doesn’t write a newsletter! Oh, the tales he would tell!
Timothy finally got his antelope mount which now adorns our living room. It has been decorated with necklaces, sunglasses, and finally Christmas decorations.
Nan & Pa's 50th
Timothy, Joseph, and Caleb on duty.